16 January, 2012


This was a good week; had a few snafus (like, baking challah in an oven after turning it off, realising after candlelighting that we did not have any wine or grape juice in the house, and Adin getting hold of a bag of chex mix) but overall quiet, productive, and pleasant.
Woke up yesterday to SNOW, then the sun (sun?!) came out and melted it all, then we had more snow, and the sun came out again and melted it, and then hail, at which point I gave up and stopped looking outside. The boys played outside a little bit, before the first snow melt, and had a lot of fun. Both have colds though, so they are stuck indoors for now.
I also joined pinterest and have spent far too much time on the site, but it has actually helped me to get inspired and motivated, so it is useful. I do need to cut down my online time, but with waiting for translation orders to pop up I always have my laptop up and running, and it is just so easy to log in and pin, and pin, and pin...
It just started snowing again, beautiful big flakes like in a movie. Wonderful.

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