30 August, 2007


Still waiting. I am now at 42 weeks + 1 day. I vacillate between wanting this baby the hell out and being secure that it will come when it is ready. I haven't done much other than nap and obsess; all I really want to do is read blogs and eat, so my goal for the day is to get a little more cleaned up around here and get back to studying, which I haven't done in a few days. I did switch some desks around and freecycle the old one, so that's a bit more room around here, and I've claimed the former computer desk for my sewing, which is nice. I've put all my ribbons in an old cassette rack I've had for a while (the other was repurposed into a kitchen rack), and I also wound some bobbins. enthralling, I know! I do like the way the spools look near the end though. :)

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